Supa de morcov pentru suflet/Carrot soup for the soul


De cateva zile am un bolnavior in familie. Nu poate sa manance decat papa de bebe, adica pretty much numai piureuri de legume si alte terciuri apetisante cu consistenta blegoasa. Ca sa nu ne plictisim prea tare, am pus de o supa-crema aromata si picanta, asa, sa-ncinga putin spiritele. Gatim din nou la oala sub presiune, da?


6 morcovi mari

4 cartofi medii

1 pastarnac

1 ceapa alba

1 l apa

1 lingurita pasta de ghimbir si usturoi

1/4 lingurita garam masala

ulei de masline

sare si piper dupa gust

frunze de leustean maruntite si smantana (optional) pentru servit

1. Curatam legumele, le tocam grosier si le punem la fiert la oala sub presiune. In 5 minute-s gata. Stingem focul, desfacem capacul.

2. Aruncam in oala uleiul de masline + condimentele si pasam cu un mixer vertical pana obtinem o supa-crema.

3. Pentru servit, adaugam frunzele de leustean si smantana.

E sanatoasa, gustoasa si nemaipomenita cu crutoane, jur. Merge si cu nucsoara, if you’re into it :)

Sanatate, ca-i mai buna decat toate,



This week Baby had surgery, not nice, not fun, especially now that all he can eat is pureed food. In the search for a nourishing yet attractive dish, I decided to give this carrot soup a try. Boy, was this a hit!


6 large carrots

4 medium potatoes

1 parnship

1 onion

1 l water

1 tsp ginger garlic paste

1/4 tsp garam masala

olive oil

salt and pepper to taste

chopped lovage leaves and sour cream (optional) to serve

1. Peel the veggies, chop them coarsely and boil them in the pressure cooker. Done in 5 minutes.

2. Turn off the heat and open the cooker, add the olive oil and the rest of the spices. Use a hand mixer to turn the soup into a cream.

3. Add the lovage and sour cream (optional).

It’s healty, tasty and awesome with crutons, I swear. Works well with nutmeg too, if you’re into it :)

Be healthy,




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