Cheesecake cu lemon curd



A venit si prima zi de Paste, si prima masa copioasa, si primul desert cu zahar. Anul asta am optat pentru un cheesecake cu peltea de lamaie: un desert acrisor si numai bun de taiat greata dupa ce ne-am umflat cu bunatati care mai de care mai satioase.

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Cheesecake cu lemon curd


    Pentru pelteaua de lamaie (lemon curd)
  • 3 lamai medii-mici, bio
  • 150 g zahar
  • 100 g unt
  • 3 oua mici sau 2 mari
  • Pentru blat
  • 250 g biscuiti digestivi/speculoos, facuti pudra la robot (sau maruntiti bine cu facaletul)
  • 100 g unt
  • Pentru crema:
  • 250 g mascarpone + extra pentru topping
  • 250 g crema de branza
  • 180-200 g peltea de lamaie (lemon curd) - după gust
  • 100 g zahar
  • 3 oua
  • 2 linguri făină


  1. Radem coaja lamailor apoi le stoarcem zeama. Punem zeama, coaja de lamaie, zaharul si untul la topit intr-o craticioara la bain marie (baie de aburi). Cand s-au topit, adaugam ouale batute bine si mestecam energic cu lingura sa se inglobeze bine si sa nu se coaca ouale.
  2. Lasam la bain marie inca aprox. 10 minute, amestecand ocazional. Lemon curdul va incepe sa se intareasca usor-usor, dar nu e bine sa il lasam prea mult pe foc pentru ca el se mai intareste si dupa racire.
  3. Topim untul si apoi il amestecam bine cu biscuitii pana obtinem o coca sfaramicioasa. Tapetam o tava de 20 cm cu inel detasabil cu acest aluat si dam la frigider cel putin 30 minute. Sau nu, ca daca va grabiti nu e moarte de om daca sariti pasul asta.
  4. Mixam bine ouale cu zaharul pana isi dubleaza volumul si schimba culoarea. Adaugam branzele, pelteaua de lamaie si faina si mai mixam putin pana ne iese o crema fina si pufoasa.
  5. Turnam crema peste blatul de biscuiti si dam la cuptor la 160C cu ventilatie timp de o ora. Lasam la racit in cuptor apoi scoatem si dam la frigider peste noapte.
  6. Inainte de servire tapetam cu 3 linguri de mascarpone amestecate cu 3 linguri de peltea de lamaie (lemon curd).



Rezulta o prajitura usoara si racoroasa, numai buna pentru inceputul asta minunat de primavara!

Love and lemons!



This year my sister-in-law came to visit from the UK and she told me in advance that her mind was set on my lemon curd cheesecake. I made this cake for the first time two years ago, on Easter Day, and the entire family was wowed. Because I spent so much time cooking and tasting – I found no pleasure in it (don’t tell me you don’t know how that’s like, ladies), but this time I decided to give it one more try and see what the whole fuss was about. Let me tell you: freakin’ amazing.

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I used speculoos biscuits for the base and that was a great choice because they are sweeter and have that specific aroma I love so much: they complemented the tangy lemony taste perfectly. The cream was fluffy and light and the lemons made it so easy to eat and digest! I’m not a big fan of cheesecakes because that’s it: they seem heavy and hard to digest; but not this one oh brothers and sisters, not this one.

Lemon curd cheesecake


    For the lemon curd
  • 3 small-medium organic lemons
  • 150 g sugar
  • 100 g butter
  • 3 small eggs or 2 large
  • For the base
  • 250 g speculoos or digestive biscuits
  • 100 g butter
  • For the cream:
  • 250 g mascarpone + extra for topping
  • 250 g cream cheese
  • 180-200 g lemon curd
  • 100 g sugar
  • 3 eggs
  • 2 tbs all purpose flour
  • 2 tbs icing sugar (for the topping)


  1. First, start off with the lemon curd: put the lemon zest and juice, sugar and butter into a heatproof bowl. Sit the bowl over a pan of gently simmering water, making sure the water is not touching the bottom of the bowl. Stir occasionally until all is melted.
  2. Add the whisked eggs to the mixture and stir vigorously until all ingredients are combined, making sure not to cook the eggs. Leave to cook until it thickens (about 10 minutes), stirring occasionally.
  3. For the base, place the biscuits in a food processor and mix together with the melted butter. Pat the mixture onto the bottom of a 20 cm springform pan, using either your hands or a spoon. Make sure to level the base thoroughly.
  4. For the cream - In the bowl of your mixer, whisk together the eggs and sugar until light and fluffy. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix until well incorporated. Pour the cream over the base and level it with a spoon.
  5. Bake in the preheated oven at 160C for about 1 hour. Let it cool overnight. The second day, mix 2-3 tbs lemon curd with the reserved mascarpone and a couple of tbs icing sugar and spread it over the cheesecake. It is now ready to serve.

Plus, it was damn easy to make too: I assembled all the ingredients in no more than 20 minutes and I actually had to wait around more for the baking part than the working part.


Let me preach to you, let me speak to you about the magic of all that lemon inside, let me cheese you into submission! :) Or just try this, you won’t regret it.

Love and lemons!


  1. Peste “blatul” de biscuiti cu unt dupa tapetarea in forma , ai pus cumva o glazura de ciocolata? asa pare din poze

    • Mihai, nu, nici vorba. Doar pare asa din poze pentru ca biscuitii au fost speculoos, deci ei in sine au avut alta culoare.

  2. De cheesecake lijkt me heerlijk want ik hou van lemon curd en van cheesecake! Een gouden combi. Maar de vertaling in het nederlands is waardeloos!!!! De grootste helft moet je maar naar raden!! Nu ben ik een ervaren bakster, maar een startend bakster die voor ‘t eerst cheesecake gaat bakken…..die snapt er niets van!!!

    • Hello Marja! Unfortunately I don’t speak any Dutch, so Google Translate had to do most of the job and we know that it can’t really be trusted. Can you tell me which part troubles you and maybe I can clarify it for you? Many thanks!


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