Din primul moment in care am gustat desertul asta am stiut ca e un keeper; partea cu adevarat misto e insa ca se face in trei minute, cu ingrediente la indemana. Daca vreti, ii puteti adauga linistiti cereale (musli, fulgi de ovaz, etc.) – veti obtine astfel cel mai minunat si rasfatat mic dejun!
3 banane coapte
2-3 linguri zahar brun
1 praf de scortisoara
1 lingura de unt
200 ml iaurt gras
1. Taiem bananele in felii grosute.
2. Intr-o tigaie non-aderenta topim untul, adaugam bananele, zaharul brun si scortisoara si lasam la caramelizat cateva minute. Veti vedea ca bananele se inmoaie putin si incep sa elibereze arome inebunitoare…
3. Amestecam cu iaurt (si, optional, cereale) si servim cald.
Rasfat de week-end, de mijloc de saptamana, de seara friguroasa.
From the first moment I tasted this, I knew it was a keeper. It’s fast to make and flavored – kids will love it!
- 3 ripe bananas
- 2-3 tbs brown sugar
- 1 pinch of cinnamon
- 1 tbs butter
- 200 ml greek yogurt
- Slice the bananas.
- Melt the butter in a non-stick pan, add the bananas, sugar and cinnamon and saute for a few minutes, until slightly caramelized.
- Mix with yoghurt (and, optional, cereals) and serve hot.
It is such a treat, it will surprise you, I promise.
Love and cinnamon!
Tried this tonight, except we put it over rice pudding instead of the yogurt. My husband may forbid me from ever making banana bread again–this is the only way he ever wants to eat bananas now! Lovely easy dessert–thanks!
I know, addictive, right? You can try it with pretty much everything: yogurt, rice pudding, even couscous! :) Such a keeper! :)
This is my kind of recipe – nice and easy but very tasty!! I know it is supposed to be a dessert, but you know it works quite well as a breakfast too!! That is actually how I made it! It was delicious and very satisfying as a meal for breakfast!
Mia, I am so happy you liked it! Actually, we tried it for breakfast as well, because it’s awesome with yogurt and cereals, and you can make it in minutes then hop off to work with a full tummy :) Glad it worked for you too! :)
mama mia ce bunatate! am facut si eu banane in caramel, fara scortisoara, dar cu pancakes! ♥
Am văzut! Data viitoare pune totuși scortisoara si zi-mi cum ți s-a părut, deal? :)
Wow! Very tasty indeed! I experimented with a few things and found that it makes for a tasty topping for waffles, goes great with Plain vanilla ice cream and even as a filling for pancakes! Quite a treat! Thanx for the recipe!!!
Indeed, it’s a very versatile recipe – and you took it to the next level and gave me a bunch of new ideas :) Happy you dropped by, thanx for your visit Dewald!
I wish I could cut and paste to my recipies.
Hello Mary Ann and Happy 2013! Now you can add to your recipes, all you need to do is just hit that PRINT button next to the recipe. It will also include the picture, for easier reference. Hugs!
Looks great! Can this be served cold?
Hei Lauren! It does actually, it makes a wonderful breakfast if you combine it with cereals. Those cinnamon-butter bananas, mm! Thanks for stopping by!
I’m going to serve this to my guests for the fruit course at my B&B. I love simple delicious recipes!
I’m so happy you liked this Eileen and you’re including it in your menu! What an honour!