Tarta de prune cu frangipane/Plum tart


Problema cu tartele astea e ca se mananca instant. Cum le-ai scos din cuptor, asa au si disparut. La fel a fost si cu asta. Si ca sa nu mergeti la culcare fara sa stiti ce e ala frangipane, ei bine – e umplutura din tarta, pe baza de migdale. Big name, tasty little sucker :)

Tarta de prune cu frangipane

Rating: 51


  • 1 portie pate brisee (170 g faina, 80 g unt, 1 praf de sare, 2 linguri apa rece/lapte framantate intr-o coca)
  • Pentru umplutura
  • 75 g migdale macinate
  • 75 g unt moale
  • 75 g zahar
  • 1 ou batut usor
  • 2 linguri faina
  • 450 g prune
  • Pentru uns
  • 3 linguri dulceata


  1. Dupa ce pregatim aluatul, il intindem intr-o tava rotunda de tarta si il coacem in gol (acoperit cu hartie de copt si fasole de copt) aproximativ 10-15 minute.
  2. Cu un procesor amestecam ingredientele pentru umplutura, iar apoi le turnam in carcasa de tarta. Deasupra asezam prunele injumatatite, pe care le ungem ulterior cu dulceata, cu ajutorul unei pensule de uns.
  3. Dam la cuptor inca 40-50 minute.


Instrumente necesare 1 tava de tarta cu dimensiunea de 28 cm Hartie de copt Boabe de fasole/copt Sucitor de lemn Procesor pentru aluatul fraged Cantar Pensula de uns


Love and plums!



250 g  pate brisee (170 g flour, 80 g butter, 1 pinch salt, 2 tbs sugar, 2 tbs cold water)

For the filling:

75 g ground almonds

75 g softened butter

75 g sugar

1 egg lightly beaten

2 tbs flour

450 g plums

For the glaze: 3 tbs confiture


1.Prepare the pate brisee: in a processor or with your hands mix the flour, sugar, salt and butter until the mixture ressembles bread coarse meal. Add the water and start kneading until the pastry comes together.

2. After preparing the pate brisee, place it in a tart pan and bake blind for approx. 10-15 minutes.

3. Mix the ingredients for the filling in a food processor (or hand mixer), then pour them into the pate brisee shell. Cut the plums in half and place them cut side down on the tart. Glaze them with confiture.

4. Bake for 30-40 minutes at 200 C.

It is, I swear, one of the most popular recipes on this blog – and for good reason!




250 g  pate brisee (170 g flour, 80 g butter, 1 pinch salt, 2 tbs sugar, 2 tbs cold water)

For the filling:

75 g ground almonds


75 g softened butter


75 g sugar

1 egg lightly beaten


2 tbs flour


450 g plums

For the glaze: 3 tbs confiture


1.Prepare the pate brisee: in a processor or with your hands mix the flour, sugar, salt and butter until the mixture ressembles bread coarse meal. Add the water and start kneading until the pastry comes together.

2. After preparing the pate brisee, place it in a tart pan and bake blind for approx. 10-15 minutes.

3. Mix the ingredients for the filling in a food processor (or hand mixer), then pour them into the pate brisee shell. Cut the plums in half and place them cut side down on the tart. Glaze them with confiture.

4. Bake for 30-40 minutes at 200 C.

It is, I swear, one of the most popular recipes on this blog – and for good reason!




    • Cu drag, ma bucur tare ca v-a placut! :) La noi tarta asta e pe heavy rotation si o mancam cu portia, tinem socoteala la felii :) Distractie mare :)

    • Timea, sa o incerci si pe asta cand o fi sezonul prunelor. Merge si cu piersici sau caise. Crede-ma, e o combinatie teribila, noi nu reusim sa pastram nimic din ea, se mananca imediat ce iese din cuptor! Sa faci un test si sa-mi spui ;)


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