De cateva zile am luat-o pe aratura chinezeasca, atat de rau incat am facut nu unul, ci doua feluri de mancare cu influente asiatice! In week-end am dat o tura pana la China Town de Bucuresti (Dragonul Rosu) si m-am aprovizionat, printre altele, cu ulei de susan, o punguta de fasole mung (o fasole mica si verde), cateva cutii de lapte de cocos condensat si neshte bete de halit orez; in frigiderul din dotare preexista deja un sos de soia light, asa ca n-am avut decat sa ma pun pe treaba.
In primul rand, am germinat fasolea. Despre fasolea mung trebuie sa stiti ca este revitalizanta, extrem de hranitoare si nutritiva, iar germenii sai contin o gama completa de vitamine si saruri minerale (Ca, Mg, K, Fe, Zn, Cu, P, Na), o cantitate mare de proteine (20%) dar si toti aminoacizii esentiali si numeroase enzime esentiale pentru digestie. Ce sa mai, aur verde pentru vegetarieni.
Ustensile pentru germinare:
1 borcan mai maricel (cum zice mama, de 800)
1 bucata de tifon sau panza
1 elastic rotund
1 sita
servetele de hartie de bucatarie
1. Spalam bine o manuta mica de fasole si alegem impuritatile si fasolea stricata, daca e cazul. E bine sa nu germinam o cantitate mare, deoarece germenii, chiar tinuti la frigider, nu au o durata de viata mai mare de cateva zile.
2. Punem boabele spalate in borcan, turnam apa cel putin 2x volumul lor,acoperim cu un tifon pe care il securizam cu ajutorul elasticului si lasam la inmoiat peste noapte (10-12 h), intr-un loc mai ferit si intunecos.
3. Dimineata turnam fasolea in sita, o clatim bine cu apa rece si o reasezam in borcanul uscat pe care l-am tapetat cu un servetel de hartie. Lasam la germinat, si repetam operatiunea in fiecare seara si dimineata, schimband de fiecare data servetelul de hartie. Vom constata ca in doua zile germenii nostri vor fi gata de folosire, moment in care ii vom muta intr-o caserola in frigider.
Sunt buni in salate, supe, stir-fry-uri, sandvisuri si multe altele. Saptamana asta va divulg si ce-am facut eu cu ei ;) Bafta la germinat, si tineti minte ca acelasi principiu se aplica si altor leguminoase si cereale (fasole normala, naut, linte, soia, grau, etc.).
Hugs now,
This is a tutorial on how to grow your own mung bean sprouts; this technique, however, applies to several other beans and cereals, such as soya, wheat, white beans, lentils, etc . Mung beans is extremely nourishing and revitalizing, and its sprouts contain a wide range of vitamins and mineral salts (Ca, Mg, K, Fe, Zn, Cu, P, Na), a large amount of proteins (20%) and also all the essential amino acids and numerous essential enzymes for digestion. In a few words, green gold for vegetarians.
Tools for sprouting:
1 large glass jar
1 piece of cheese cloth
1 round rubber band
1 sieve
Several paper towels
1. Wash a small amount of beans and remove any bad parts. It’s a good idea not to use a large amount of beans, as the sprouts, even if kept in the fridge, do not last more than a few days.
2. Place the washed beans in a jar and pour cold water over them, at least 2x their volume, cover the jar with the cheese cloth and secure with the rubber band. Let stand overnight (10-12 h), in a dark place.
3. In the morning, pour the beans into the sieve, rinse thoroughly with cold water and place it back in the jar, on a paper towel. Cover with cloth and let stand until the evening, when the procedure has to be repeated. Do this every evening and morning, for about a couple of days, until the sprouts are ready for use; at such time, move them in a casserole in the fridge and make sure to eat them within the next days.
Bean sprouts are excellent in salads, soups, stir-frys, sandwiches and many other dishes. Later on this week I will let you know what I have done with them :)
Good luck sprouting!
Hugs now,
[…] mancare! Ei bine, aceste asa zise oua sunt de fapt o combinatie intre o omleta, orez alb fiert si germeni de fasole mung, +/- ceva legumele si […]
[…] tot crude trebuie sa fie. Daca va enervati, puteti sa le germinati, si atunci sa vedeti musli-power! Si la capitolul seminte lumea e a voastra, insa preferatele mele […]