Tapenada de masline negre/Black olive tapenade


Tapenada este o pasta de masline negre, care include de obicei si ansoa. Pentru ca noi suntem veggie and proud, nu vom folosi peste, si va garantez ca n-o sa-i duceti dorul! E nemaipomenita pe bruschete, cu paste sau in tarte, insa merge la fel de bine intinsa neaos pe o felie de paine alba: quick snack, big results! In cele ce urmeaza va voi da ingrediente aproximative, insa va aduc aminte ca rezultatul final depinde de papilele gustative ale fiecaruia – simtiti-va liberi sa adaugati sau luati din ingrediente, in functie de cum va place mai mult.


200 g masline negre sau kalamata, fara samburi

2-3 catei de usturoi, dati prin presa

3-4 linguri de ulei de masline

1 lingura capere sau putina zeama de lamaie

piper dupa gust

Prepararea e simpla – dati la robot sau zdrobiti in mojar, avand grija sa nu pasati complet maslinele (lasati putin “corp”). Odata facuta, pastrati la frigider intr-un borcan cu capac etans.

PS – How do you like my new Nikon D5000 pics? :)

Hugs now,


Tapenade is a black olive dip which usually includes anchovies. Since we are veggie and proud, we won’t be using any fish and I guarantee that you won’t miss it! It’s simply fabulous on bruschettas, pasta or salty pies, but also wonderful on a simple piece of white bread: quick snack, big results! This recipe does not have precise quantities, as the final result depends a great deal on the individual taste – so feel free to add or cut off on any of the ingredients, as it suits you.


200 g black or kalamata olives, pitted

2-3 garlic cloves, crushed

3-4 tablespoons olive oil 

1 tablespoon capers or a bit of lemon juice


Preparation is a piece of cake – either throw all ingredients in a food processor or crush with a mortar and pestle, but make sure to leave some “body” to it. Once made, keep it in the fridge in an air-tight jar.

PS – How do you like my new Nikon D5000 pics? :)

Hugs now,





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