Usturoi copt/Baked garlic


Prepare to get your hands dirty and your mouth full. Daca esti un iubitor de usturoi, ca subsemnata, atunci reteta asta e darul lui Dumnezeu pentru tine. Si se mai si face repede.


4-6 capatani de usturoi, intregi, in coaja

3 linguri ulei de masline

sare de mare

1. Cu un cutit ascutit taiem coada capatanii de usturoi, in asa fel incat fiecare catel sa fie expus in capat.

2. Il asezam pe un patrat de folie de staniol, il stropim bine cu ulei de masline (eu am folosit o pensula de uns) si presaram cu sare (si condimente, daca vrea mushchiu’ nostru).

3. Il invelim bine in bucatica de staniol si dam la copt aprox. 30 min.

E ok si rece, but trust me, serviti-l cald, si nu-l veti uita niciodata. Practic, prin partea sectionata a cateilor de usturoi stoarcem pulpa. Il puteti servi pe paine, ca o pasta, il puteti amesteca cu smantana ca dressing pentru cartofi, cu paste, ce sa mai, cum va taie capul! And save the garlic breath for some other time cuz this baby is totally innocent! :)

Hugs now,


Prepare to get your hands dirty and your mouth full. Daca esti un iubitor de usturoi, ca subsemnata, atunci reteta asta e darul lui Dumnezeu pentru tine. Si se mai si face repede.


4-6 capatani de usturoi, intregi, in coaja

3 linguri ulei de masline

sare de mare

1. Cu un cutit ascutit taiem coada capatanii de usturoi, in asa fel incat fiecare catel sa fie expus in capat.

2. Il asezam pe un patrat de folie de staniol, il stropim bine cu ulei de masline (eu am folosit o pensula de uns) si presaram cu sare (si condimente, daca vrea mushchiu’ nostru).

3. Il invelim bine in bucatica de staniol si dam la copt aprox. 30 min.

E ok si rece, but trust me, serviti-l cald, si nu-l veti uita niciodata. Practic, prin partea sectionata a cateilor de usturoi stoarcem pulpa. Il puteti servi pe paine, ca o pasta, il puteti amesteca cu smantana ca dressing pentru cartofi, cu paste, ce sa mai, cum va taie capul! And save the garlic breath for some other time cuz this baby is totally innocent! :)

Hugs now,


Prepare to get your hands dirty and your mouth full. If you are a garlic lover like myself, than this particular dish is God’s gift to you. Plus, it’s so easy to make.


4-6 galic heads, in their skins

3 tbs olive oil

sea salt

1. Use a sharp knife to cut off the very top of the cloves, just enough to leave the individual cloves exposed.

2. Place the garlic heads on a small piece of aluminium foil, sprinkle with olive oil and salt (and spices, if you wish).

3. Bake at gas 5 for 30 min, then serve hot, but make sure not to burn yourself. Use your fingers to squeeze out the baked garlic.

It can be eaten on bread, with potatoes, with pasta – the sky’s the limit!  And save the garlic breath for some other time cuz this baby is totally innocent :)

Hugs now,



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