Unul din motivele pentru care imi place atat de mult sa gatesc la cuptor este senzatia de libertate pe care o am atunci cand bag mancarea si inchid usa cuptorului. Nu trebuie sa mestec, nu trebuie sa veghez, sa ma ingrijorez ca se va prinde, nu trebuie sa adaug alte ingrediente in etape, ce sa mai, gatesc fara griji. Desi de cele mai multe ori ma ajut de cronometru, mancarea imi da de stire cand e gata prin mirosul imbatator ce se revarsa in casa; in serile de iarna, aceste arome sunt de nepretuit.
Ca sa vedeti ca nu bat campii degeaba, felul urmator are mare legatura cu cuptorul. Ardeii umpluti sunt atat de traditional romanesti incat imi dau lacrimile de plictiseala, dubla plictiseala daca stau sa ma gandesc ca se pot face si cu carne, pentru omni, dar si cu orez, pentru veggie. Si pentru ca aici pe blog ducem zilnic razboi cu rutina, m-am gandit sa ii smecheresc putin si sa le dau o tenta usor arabeasca, inlocuind orezul alb cu orez salbatic si adaugand stafide si nuci prajite.
4 ardei grasi
250 g orez salbatic
1 ceapa alba mare
2 catei de usturoi
4 linguri stafide
2 linguri samburi de nuci
4 linguri de pasta de tomate
2-3 linguri ulei de masline
sare si piper
1. Fierbem orezul salbatic la foc mic, aproximativ 20 minute sau pana cand e gata. Cand e aproape facut, adaugam stafidele, sa se hidrateze si ele :)
2. Intr-o tigaie non-aderenta prajim nucile tocate maruntel sau zdrobite putin cu un facalet. Cand incep sa se rumeneasca putin, le adaugam la orez.
3. In aceeasi tigaie calim ceapa si usturoiul in doua linguri de ulei, adaugam pasta de rosii, sare si piper dupa gust si dam un clocot. Amestecam cu orezul iar compozitia rezultata o indesam bine in ardeii carora le-am taiat capacul si le-am scobit si aruncat cotorul cu seminte. Deasupra ardeilor punem capacelele si dam la cuptor, nu inainte de a stropi cu o lingura de ulei si vreo 5-6 de apa.
4. Sunt gata cand s-a copt ardeiul.
Sunt foarte satiosi, aromati si nemaipomeniti in perioada asta, cand toata lumea o da pe mancare vegana si-i zice de post. Sau viceversa :)
Love and wild rice,
One of the reasons I love baking so much is that I don’t have to worry about what’s in the oven, as long as the timer is on. I can use that time to do whatever around the house, while the sweet smell of home-cooked meals fills my home. I bet it’s the same with you, isn’t it?
Stuffed peppers are very traditional for Romanian cuisine – I grew up eating them, well, the meat version anyway. Since then, I dramatically changed my eating habits and here I am, happy to replace the old-fashion omni version with a guilt-free, vegan, perfect alternative!
4 (green or red) peppers
250 g wild rice
1 big yellow onion
2 garlic cloves
4 tbs raisins
2 tbs walnuts, chopped and roasted
4 tbs tomato puree/paste
2-3 tbs olive oil
salt and pepper
1. First, we need to boil the rice, moderate heat, for 20 minutes or until ready. When almost ready, add up the raisins, they’ll be happy to hidrate in the boiling water :) Set aside and add the roasted walnuts.
2. In a saucepan, heat the olive oil then add the garlic and onion; when they turn goldish, add the tomato puree, salt, peppper and leave for 3-4 more minutes. Pour the tomato sauce in the rice and mix well.
3. Cut the peppers’ lids, remove the seeds and fill them with the rice mixture. Top them with the lids again, place in a round earthenware, sprinkle with two tbs oil and 4-5 tbs water and bake for about 40 minutes or until ready.
It’s not such a big deal to make them, plus, they’re amazing even re-heated – taste just like fresh! If you’re not into vegan, you may just as well serve with a bit of sour cream on top!
Love and wild rice,
suna tare bine! mi-ai facut pofta :*
Si sunt vegani!! Pentru mine chiar sunt nemaipomeniti!